Tuesday 7 February 2012

About Us

Smartindia.net.in ,online education programme is an initiative of Bharat Sevak Samaj .It focuses mainly IT enabled education through online practice. Competitive skill development and time management skills are an indispensable tool for the future generations.

Bharat Sevak Samaj is the National Development Agency promoted by the Planning Commission, Government of India to ensure public co-operation for implementing government plans. The main purpose behind the formulation of Bharat Sevak Samaj is to initiate a nation wide, non official and non political organization with the object of enabling individual citizen to contribute, in the form of an organized co-operative effort, to the implementation of the National Development Plan. The constitution and functioning of Bharat Sevak Samaj is approved unanimously by the Indian Parliament.
We can to some extent measure our resources or most of them. But it is very difficult to measure the biggest of these resources that we have, that is man-power, and that psychology which makes people work for greater ends. Unless we utilize this man-power and unless we can produce that temper in our people which laughs at difficulties and gets things done, sometimes inspite of facts, we cannot achieve anything really big.
The proposal to start an organization to be called the Bharat Sevak Samaj, has this in view. It is an ambitious task and we want men and women with high ambitions for it, not the ambition for little and personal things of life but the ambition to serve great causes, forgetting one self and achieve great ends.
This is not a political organization, even though, I, a politician, commend it. It is meant for every able bodied men and women, whatever his or her views might be on other topics.

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